You should know by now that I’m all about making wine tasting more fun and enjoyable.
That’s why I’m very excited to introduce you to Wine Smash.
Wine Smash is a game that’s designed to revolutionise the wine-tasting experience. You taste the wines, answer the questions via the slick app, and compete to see who has the best palate. Every game box has a curated selection of wines, tasting notes, trivia cards, and even a winner’s medal. All you need is a few wine-drinking friends or family members, and you’re off.
It’s a game changer, it’s fun, it’s competitive and you’ll learn some helpful info along the way.
Check out this video to see how it works:
I’ve even put together my own Wine Smash Limited Edition Case! Picked and tasted the wines (multiple times) so you’re in safe(ish) hands.
I can’t think of a better game to play around the Christmas table—beats dusting off ye old Trivial Pursuit.
Hope you enjoy (and win).